
Manufacturing Base:No.177, Qidu Avenue, Qidu Town,
Wujiang District, Suzhou,
Jiangsu Province

Order Online:86-512-63807777

Service Hotline:86-512-63809988

Company Fax:86-512-63800988

Zip code:215234

Contact: Mr. Zhou

Cell phone:013906256472


Website location: Home > Jobs

Job title: Clamp, assembler, turner, electrician (with electrician certificate, familiar with Mitsubishi programming software), mechanical drafter (familiar with three-dimensional design)

Department: Suzhou Junfeng Machinery

Recruitment number: several

Gendermale and female is not limited

Work location:Suzhou City, Wujiang District, seven town

Education requirementsjunior high school education or above

Posting timeMarch 01, 2021 - December 30, 2021

Job requirements:

Age 18-45 years old, junior high school or above, healthy, able to bear hardships and work hard, have a strong sense of responsibility and a good sense of teamwork.

The company also recruits a group of apprentices, requiring a strong desire to learn, have a hard-working spirit, can adapt to long-term travel, age 18-28 years old.

The company includes two meals, housing allowance at the end of the year, long day shift, full attendance award, overtime pay is calculated separately, the salary is paid in full on a monthly basis. Interested parties please bring your ID card to the factory office for registration.

Contact information

Address: No. 177, Qidu Avenue, Qidu Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

Tel: 0512-63809988 15895526618 (Manager Li)

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