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Profile cutting machine is mainly used for the same aluminum, plate cutting, slotting processing and other special cutting tools for profiles Main application performance

This sawing machine is a special equipment for the rear part of the aluminum profile production line. It adopts hydraulic inlet and outlet device, pneumatic clamping workpiece, smooth and flat sawing kerf, safe operation, easy and fast, and is a more advanced sawing machine in China at present.

Working Principle

There is a motor to drive the saw blade rotation and through the role of hydraulic pressure to make the saw blade smoothly forward automatically cutting, pneumatic part through the cylinder to push the compression of the workpiece, after cutting, the cylinder release, the saw blade reset to stop the rotation.

In addition to common specifications, can also be customized according to customer needs, sawing machine with a conveyor frame, ruler stop (or ruler frame) aluminum chip recycling device and cooling device (water cooling or spray)

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