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Heat shrink packaging machine


Working principle of heat shrink packaging machine

      Heat is generated by the quartz heating tube inside the furnace chamber, and the furnace chamber is filled with hot air at an even temperature with the cooperation of the internal fan, and the temperature inside the chamber is controlled by the temperature control instrument and kept at a constant temperature. The product is fed into the chamber by a chain conveyor belt and the heat shrink film is shrunk at a high level and adheres to the surface of the product.

Features and benefits

     -Heating by quartz/tempered tubes.

     -Optimised circuit design, temperature control by instrumentation, heating stops when the temperature reaches the set temperature, saving electrical energy.

     -High power DC motor, stepless speed regulation, can work continuously for a long time, and stable and reliable operation.

     -The furnace chamber is designed with lift-back mechanical structure, which makes maintenance easy and convenient.

     -All the electrical components are of high quality and famous brand, so that the quality of the whole machine is effectively guaranteed.

     -Two kinds of conveyor belts, chain and chain mesh, are available to meet different product packaging needs.

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