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Induction mold heating furnace

Induction mold heating furnace is a new type of fast induction heating furnace for molds, which is highly efficient and energy-saving. It is controlled by microcomputer setting program, automatic feeding, automatic heating and heating, precise temperature control, and the mold can automatically exit the heating system after heating to the set temperature, which has incomparable advantages compared with traditional heating methods.

Mold fast heating furnace features:

Fast induction heating furnace production efficiency is 10 times than the traditional electric resistance heating furnace; heating time is short, that is, heating that can be used, can achieve rapid mold change. At the same time, the energy consumption of heating the same weight of mold is only 1/4 of the resistance heating furnace.

Choose mold rapid heating furnace, energy saving, high efficiency, safety, environmental protection, long life. It is your wise choice.

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