Manufacturing Base:No.177, Qidu Avenue, Qidu Town,
Wujiang District, Suzhou,
Jiangsu Province

Order Online:86-512-63807777

Service Hotline:86-512-63809988

Company Fax:86-512-63800988

Zip code:215234

Contact: Mr. Zhou

Cell phone:013906256472


Website location: Home > About Us
Corporate Culture
Enterprise ideal
To build a professional manufacturer of aluminum profile equipment that integrates R&D, production and marketing and is in the leading position in China.

Guiding Ideology
To promote the growth and development of our business with eternal entrepreneurial passion and rational and rigorous management!

Enterprise mission
To provide domestic and foreign aluminum profile manufacturers with high-quality, reliable and cost-effective aluminum profile equipment.

Enterprise development road
Create value for customers and seek development for ourselves with high quality products and first-class service. Continuously get bigger and stronger.

Principle of business
Dare to be responsible, fine in details and pursue perfection.

Code of conduct
Seek truth from facts, adhere to the principles, all in the interests of the company as the starting point and anchor point.

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