Manufacturing Base:No.177, Qidu Avenue, Qidu Town,
Wujiang District, Suzhou,
Jiangsu Province

Order Online:86-512-63807777

Service Hotline:86-512-63809988

Company Fax:86-512-63800988

Zip code:215234

Contact: Mr. Zhou

Cell phone:013906256472


Website location: Home > About Us


Corporate Vision

Looking forward to future development, Junfeng Machinery has been growing and developing in years of pragmatic operation. We will pay more attention to the perfection of brand image, pay more attention to the strict control of product quality, devote ourselves to the improvement of enterprise culture, and pursue the harmonious unity of economic and social benefits; in the future plan, Junfeng Machinery will set the footing of enterprise development in the introduction and rational use of scientific and technological equipment, and improve product quality comprehensively; at the same time, we will strengthen the perfection of enterprise service module, and take consumers' recognition as the starting point In the future, Junfeng Machinery will focus its development on the introduction and rational use of scientific and technological equipment and the overall improvement of product quality. Translated with (free version).

Gradually perfecting itself, Junfeng Machinery will aim at international brand, optimize all aspects from quality, products and services, base on Chinese market, challenge the world industry, make Junfeng Machinery become a professional aluminum profile equipment manufacturing brand.

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